
Registration for the courses of English, Spanish, Portuguese as a Foreign Language and Brazilian Language of Signals - LIBRAS - will be open.

Registration Period: from 04 to 25 April 2017.

Registration Fee: R$ 20,00

Confirmation date of registration: Face-to-face confirmation of the registration, from April 26 to 28, 2017, upon delivery of the bank deposit voucher, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., at PROELI's office, at UFRA headquarters - PA 451, km 03, Açaizal, Tomé-Açu - PA.

The deposit shall be nominal and made at Banco do Brasil at Agência 1674-8, Current Account 11.535-5.

- There will be no deposit per envelope, made in an ATM.
- The registration fee, once paid, will not be refunded under any circumstances, except for duly justified reasons, due to problems caused by the organizing institution.
- Before signing up, check the Call 01/2017.
- Read the Rectification - Call 01/2017.